Adaptive AI Lab

Algorithms for adaptive artificial intelligence

Welcome to our lab page

We are the Adaptive AI research group affiliated with the Institut for Robotics and Cognitive Systems at the University of Lübeck in Germany.

Meet our team.

Please note that this page was only recently initiated and is currently under construction.

About our group

We are committed to developing autonomous AI systems that can continually learn and adapt to dynamic environments. We are working on hierarchical and recurrent neural architectures, along with corresponding biologically plausible learning methods, to facilitate flexible, efficient, and scalable learning amidst high-throughput sensory data streams. One of our primary objectives is to optimize efficiency, ensuring that these systems can function effectively despite resource constraints such as limited energy supply, memory, and computational power. It is our goal to contribute to greening AI, complementing big data-driven learning approaches with compact, efficient, and more sustainable solutions. On a higher level, we aim at fostering interdisciplinary research linking machine learning, cognitive science, and robotics to drive innovative progress.

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